Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Please pray for Michael's son Patrick who has been diagnosed with a rare terminal muscle disease.
            In my last blog post I talked about the dumbing down of the students in our schools and how it is causing us to fall behind much of the rest of the world in critical areas like math and science. However, that is just the beginning of the problems we have in education in the United States, and most of it is being caused deliberately.

Friday, February 25, 2011


            As I write this article the battle continues in Wisconsin between the Republican Governor, Scott Walker, the Republican controlled State Legislature, and the powerful teachers unions and their allies. At issue is the future of a state that faces a budget shortfall of billions, yet is required by state law to have a balanced budget.
            As is the case in many states across the nation, the financial problems are primarily due to outlandish salaries and benefits being paid by states to public employees, including teachers.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

DISASTER - The U.S. Economy - 2008 to 2011

Two years ago on January 20th, Barack Obama was inaugurated as president of the United States and Democrats took control of the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives. They did so with faith in a small group of radical socialists that they thought had the right plan. As it turns out, it was too much faith placed in too few with devastating results for the entire world economy. 

Are you better off today than you were two years ago?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

AMERICANS - Where Are We?

by Dr. Del Tackett, 
author of the Truth Project

I’m taking a much-needed break—a week off to be with some Air Force buddies somewhere on the surface of this current planet.   Here are some hints: I swam with a sea turtle today; it is minus 20 degrees at my home, but 78 degree here; I stopped at a roadside stand and bought a delicious loaf of homemade mango bread; yesterday I saw three whales “exhaling” a large column of air and water…But the much more important question is, “Where are we?” Our country is somewhere—but where?

Friday, January 28, 2011


            Since President Obama gave his rather tepid State of the Union address the pundits have spent a lot of time talking about his apparent disconnect with the American people over the economic problems facing this country. He talked about jobs, and the economy, but for the most part he spent his time proposing new Federal spending (he called it investing) that will just add to the already out of control deficit. I personally agree with many commentators who saw this as a campaign speech rather than a true State of the Union address.
            However, what struck me as the most worrisome aspect of the speech was not so much what Obama said, but what he didn’t say.