This website was created to get the attention of our elected officials in the U.S. Congress and Senate.
It's our way as Americans, to express ourselves freely on the multitude of topics which challenge us daily as American citizens and as global citizens. This is a forum in which to be heard. One person, or many people will read what you say here. What matters is, if you say it, you might change someones life for the better.
Your comments about what goes on in this great God given country are important - just as you are. Don't comment unless you offer something constructive or a solution. The state in which we find our great America may be to your liking and mine but not to someone else. I love this country but like you am not happy about some things that occur. And, that means politics, religion, education, you name it! I don't like a lot of things that happen but I tolerate it and get through it. All in all, we Americans have a great life. The direction in which we're headed as a nation is determined by all of us as individuals. If you don't get that - there's little hope for you to experience the freedoms which the founders of this country have established.