Talk American exists to give voice to all Americans and to invite constructive criticism and provocative debate. Note: All advertising placed on this site is done so by Google Adsense. The Publisher of Talk American has no control over any advertising placed here. All ads are not necessarily of a content endorsed by the Publisher. Political ads may be of a conservative or liberal nature.
America is God's country
The United States of America is the greatest nation ever produced on the face of the Earth. Thank God for that! We believe in individual freedom, and liberty for all people as individuals. Especially for those who are born in the U.S. or those who want to immigrate to this country and become Americans. "Talk American" is about preserving what God has given to those who inhabit this great land called America. God alone owns this land! He has blessed us by allowing us to be here in it. He has blessed us with great wealth beyond what any other nation has ever experienced. Americans have always believed that our enjoyment of freedom should be shared with others. American blood has been spilled on every continent for over 100 years to help our neighbors experience freedom. It will be that way as long as all Americans are willing to fight and die for what we hold so true; the right to make our own decisions and the same rights for others - a right called FREEDOM! This right comes from GOD alone, not from the government.
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