Friday, April 13, 2007

Conservative or Liberal ?

No matter who you are, you're a little bit of both. Conservative on some issues and liberal on others. Let me give you a perfect example. Myself - on guns. I live in one of the most Liberal (politically speaking) states in America, the State of Washington. I'll go into greater detail about this state some other time but, for now I want to focus on the liberal gun policy in this state. I've had a concealed weapons permit since 1973. Fairly easy to get, if your not a criminal. Even after it expired once, I could renew it fairly easily. Fingerprint cards, FBI background checks, etc. I can carry (and I do) a .45 caliber semi-automatic handgun as a sidearm. Concealed under my coat of course. I actually could carry it in the open without a permit, but someone may perceive it as a threat and I could be arrested. Gun shows. A very good variety of them in this state. A criminal buying a gun in this state? Extremely difficult - unless you're becoming a criminal after you buy the gun, which of course happens once in a great while. A very small percentage, however. So I'm a liberal when it comes to this policy. When am I a conservative? Good question! Most of the time actually. See where you compare in this list of popular issues. 1.ABORTION - I'm against it unless the Doctor say's it is life or death for the mother; and in case of rape or incest. On April 19, 2007 in a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Congress’ 2003 ban on partial-birth abortion is constitutional, meaning that the gruesome procedure may no longer be practiced in the United States of America. 2. TAXES - OOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Hot button! It pisses me off that we can't seem to stop our elected officials from spending, spending, spending, It's foolishness. Republicans and Democrats alike! All seem to be big spenders now. Let me quote the 30th President of the United States of America. "I favor the policy of economy, not because I wish to save money, but because I wish to save people. The men and women of this country who toil are the ones who bear the cost of government. Every dollar that we carelessly waste means that their life will be so much more meager. Every dollar that we prudently save means that their life will be so much more abundant". We need to fix this spending problem NOW!!!! 3. SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE - This is simple and can be simply understood. The United States constitution guarantees Freedom of Religion not freedom from religion. See my comments about the ACLU. Please verify what I'm saying by investigating this issue on your own.


  1. As a Christian, I was glad to see the U.S. Supreme Court uphold the 3rd tri-mester abortion ban today.

  2. I agree. The partial birth abortion ban was upheld because the plaintiffs could not convince the Court that the health of the mother was at stake.

  3. Chic, I don't agree that most of us are liberal on some issues and conservative on others. While I agree that we may support some ISSUES fromt the other side of the aisle, it really comes down to where your world view lies. Conservatives and liberals generally want the same outcomes, but the means of getting there come from totally different directions. The only reason that some come across as being moderate is because they are trying to find some politically acceptable middle ground. For myself, I would almost always take the liberal (or what I call progressive) approach to most issues.

    It is interesting that you claim to be liberal in your stance on gun control, but I don't see anything in this posting that indicates what part of your belief is liberal. Most liberals would believe that the best interests of society in general lies with limiting the availabity of guns to the public unless there is a clear need or license to own one. You, on the other hand, are a bonfide, gun-toting conservative from what I can see!

  4. I may as well make a comment on the abortion issue, since this it the direction this blog seems to be taking. I, too, am very much against abortion and was glad to see the recent court ruling come down the way it did. But, the issue of abortion is not one of pro-abortion vs. pro-life, it is about pro-CHOICE vs. priveleged-choice.

    We know from the past that laws against abortion do not eliminate abortion except for those without connections, much like the criminal justice system. Instead of having the government step in and control something that is not equally administered, we need to acknowledge that people need to make their own life decisions -- including whether to abort the life of a new pregnancy. As a person with a deep belief in God and the eternity of the soul, I'm not as concerned about the fate of the unborn child as I am about the fate of the parents. We need to make sure that these parents are given every chance to reflect on the decisions they make and not have a corrupt and immorally bankrupt government make life decions for them.

  5. Bill, very well spoken. I would agree with you that the fate of the unborn is with God. The fate of the person deciding to have the abortion is in that persons' hands.

  6. Bill; Regarding guns. I'll make a statement for clarification. "The state of Washington has liberal gun policies." What does that mean to me? It means that I can fairly easily get a concealed carry permit and also purchase a gun. That doesn't mean that I can walk into a gun store and walk out with a gun. There are background checks that every gun store owner has to implement. I was recently delayed on a gun purchase because the FBI discovered that my name was similar to someone back east who had been involved in criminal activity. It took six months and lots of paperwork to clear my name.

  7. Chic, the constitution actually does guarantee freedom from religion and it was very wise of our founding fathers to do that. The reason is because England, in an attempt to preserve and extend its empire, was looking for an answer to the expansion of Rome's (it's greatest competitor for empire) Catholic (universal) Church. So England created the Church of England and installed the Archbishop of Canterbury, their version of a pope. That became a state religion - the people were not "free from it." The Church of England became a tool of political and mind control over the minds of the people

    Coming here, the founding fathers
    were careful to make sure that use of religion to oppress and stifle straying spiritual or political thought would not develop.

    America is slowly straying from this fundamental founding principle and creeping up on a de facto solitary state religion. When we reach that point, the liberty that you and I cherish will disappear.

  8. Response to Anonymous:
    Very well said. You know your history and I agree completely. My comment; "freedom from religion" is directed at the misused seperation doctrine. I should have been more clear. The ACLU and other Atheistic groups want us to believe that anything religious can not appear or be spoken on public land. They are diabolically wrong.

    The de facto solitary state religion you speak of is called Humanist Secularism. It's been here for 45 years and I'm sick of it!
