Thursday, May 24, 2007

Mexican invasion or Amnesty?

What a week its been! What is it going to be - amnesty - really? Here's the link to the U.S. Immigration Support website it outlines the new deal for illegal aliens. The $5,000 payment from immigrants who are struggling to make ends meet - I think the government is going to look the other way! What's your take on the new deal?

Monday, May 14, 2007

Will the war on Terror be over if the U.S. leaves Iraq?

This article was written by a good friend of mine, former Navy Commander Doug Roulstone, Captain USN (Retired). Doug commanded the nuclear aircraft carrier, U.S.S. Stennis during the first Gulf war.

He wrote this for the Everett Herald in Washington state - David Broder writes a very thought provoking article titled “Popular Demand Will Eventually End This War”. No one likes seeing the rising death toll of our service men and women lost in Iraq. Everyone would be in favor of a complete pullout, if we knew that the Iraqi government could stand on their own two feet and provide for security of their own people. It does not appear that we are at that point now. The very real debate is whether we will ever get there. One key point seems to be lost in all the focus on Iraq, their government, their security forces and their ability to provide for their own security. The Global War on Terror. Do you believe that there is a Global War on Terror or not? If you don’t think we are involved in this war then we are just engaged in a conflict in Iraq. We can stay or leave and it really is all about our relationship with Iraq. Of course there are those that will say that this just sets up Iran for an annexation of Iraq which leads to a major oil crisis. But let us set aside this argument for the moment and get back to the Global War on Terror question. If you believe that there is a Global War on Terror, then where is the central battlefield of this war? The State Department, National Counterterrorism Center reports on April 13, 2007 that there were 14,338 incident of terrorism in the world in 2006. There were 6,630 incident of terror in Iraq. Fully 46 percent of all terrorist incidents in the world were in Iraq. The central front of the Global War on Terror is in Iraq, just as Osama bid Laden tells us. If we believe that there is a global war and if the central front is in Iraq, then what will happen if we pull out of Iraq? David Broder closes his article with the statement that “Wars do end when the American people say they must. Dwight Eisenhower was elected president in 1952 with a promise to end the Korean War. Richard Nixon was elected president in 1968 with a promise to end the Viet Nam War. And if George Bush doesn’t do it, a Democrat will win in 2008 with a promise to end the war in Iraq”. Two points about the Broder statement. We still have thousands of troops deployed in South Korea. Since pulling out of Viet Nam, we have not experienced a single attack on US soil by the Viet Cong. If we do choose to leave Iraq before we have defeated the enemy, it will only force the central front of the Global War on Terror to move to a new location. Will that new location be Asia, Africa, Europe or the United States? At this point only Osama bid Laden knows for sure. One thing is certain. If the war moves back to the United States as it was on September 11, 2001, then whomever decides to pull us out of Iraq before the job is done will be directly responsible and accountable to the American people for any new attack. The Global War on Terror is unlike any conventional war we have ever waged. It is much more like the Cold War then either World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Viet Nam War or even the Gulf War. In each of these wars we had a defined central front and a well defined enemy to defeat. That is not the case today. In the Cold War, our goal was to stop the spread of communism. There were several countries spreading communism world-wide and we resisted them for over 50 years until the major player, the Soviet Union, finally fell apart. Communism is not gone but rather has mostly been put back in the box. China, Cuba and others are still out there and we are still resisting the spread of communism. Radical Islam has replaced communism as our greatest threat. Al-Qaida has replaced the Soviet Union as the leader of this threat. We knew fairly clearly where to find the Soviet Union. They had a defined country with defined borders. Al-Qaida has no defined country and no defined borders. This is a different war. Where do you think the central front of the Global War on Terror will be in 2008 after the Democrats pull us out of Iraq? I hope it is not in the United States.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Does the world hate America?

Absolutely no! We're loved and admired by many people and nations because of the food and medical assistance we've provided since as long as I can remember. No one else does it on the scale we do. We've helped the worlds masses who are starving, and in physical need and oppressed by ruthless rulers. Americans have died for many of them. Are there some haters out there? Oh yes! Too many to speak of. But not on the scale perpetrated by the mainstream media. I read these comments by Salvestro on another web blog today; "In short if the US is to not be hated by the world then America must look at itself through the eyes of the world, and only then will the solutions becomes clear." Sorry Salvestro; you're way wrong! If the US looks at itself thru the eyes of the world, we're doomed. We must see ourselves thru God's eyes only otherwise we will lose our position as the leader of the free world.

Is Mayor Bloomberg a felon by breaking laws in Virginia?

Friday, May 11, 2007 In an effort to end the illegal, covert "Simulated Straw Purchase" stings that anti-gun New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg (R) has been misguidedly promoting of late, Virginia Attorney General Robert McDonnell (R) recently sent a letter to Bloomberg reminding him that Virginia’s House Bill 2653 - which prohibits gun dealer entrapment schemes such as those orchestrated by the Mayor - will go into effect this summer. With the new law going into effect in July, Bloomberg and his agents could face legal action and be charged with a felony if they do not cease their dubious "sting" operations. "While I understand that you are attempting to take steps that you believe may enhance the public safety of the citizens of New York City, such laws are Virginia's duty to enforce," said McDonnell in his letter to the Mayor. "This new law strikes the proper balance between ensuring effective law enforcement and protecting the rights of law-abiding firearms dealers and those of Virginia citizens under the Second Amendment." In a May 10, Washington Times article, Tucker Martin, a spokesman for Mr. McDonnell’s office, said, "Law-abiding Virginia gun dealers certainly do not deserve to be targeted by private agents intentionally misleading them as to their intentions and motives. This is a courtesy to the mayor. Prior actions of his are now felony offenses in the commonwealth, and he knows this." Virginia’s state House and Senate overwhelmingly approved the measure, which was signed into law by Virginia Governor Tim Kaine (D) on March 23, 2007. Copyright 2007, National Rifle Association of America, Institute for Legislative Action.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

"God wants Amnesty"

I'm providing the article below from another source. But first, let's clarify what could become a really big problem in this country. Christians harboring illegal aliens. Here's my warning to you - you're breaking the law when you harbor a felon and you're looking prison in the face! Don't tell me you're a Christian and then go out and break the laws that God has put in place. God wants us all to obey the law especially if we are called by his name. "Immigration is a Religious Issue" "It's What God Wants and Expects." So says a coalition of the Christian "elite" while funding religious groups to lobby Congress for Amnesty legislation! A new Christian group touting liberal AMNESTY immigration reform has begun an extensive nationwide advertising campaign asking Congress to "create a path toward citizenship" for illegal immigrants as well as a guest worker program. The coalition began running full-page advertisements yesterday in Roll Call and Congressional Daily legislative publications. The Horace Hagedorn Foundation, a New York philanthropic organization far from all the problems at the U.S. border is a significant contributor to the ad campaign, and declined to name any other funding sources. The lobbying will focus in five states - Florida, Arizona, Kansas, Ohio and Pennsylvania. A spokesman for the group revealed their racist and elitist snobbery against working Americans, along with their ignorance and lack of compassion for the thousands of American families already harmed by 623,292 criminal illegal alien fugitives currently in the U.S. Another spokesman, Mr. Rodriguez said, "Churches across this country are preparing to provide sanctuary for those seeking protection from egregious actions against their welfare and families." Title 8 section 1300 of the Federal Code of Regulations makes it a FELONY to aid and abet people who commit Federal crimes. Violating U.S. borders, committing identity and tax fraud and not complying with a "deportation order" are all FELONIES. The groups and churches that assist these criminals are violating Federal Law and, by endorsing a political movement, they invalidate their TAX EXEMPT status and are open to paying taxes on property and donations. Okay! So here's my take on this deal. Christians and non-Christians have been inadvertently (and intentionally) harboring illegal immigrants (felons) for years in this country by using them as paid laborers. This has led to overwhelming immigration and social problems which have to be resolved now. Let's solve this problem now by our ideas and words which will be forwarded to our elected officials and Church leaders. Write your comments by clicking below.

Fort Dix Six

Six foreign-born Muslims were accused Tuesday of planning to assault the Army base and slaughter scores of U.S. soldiers with automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades. The unidentified clerk is being credited with tipping off authorities in January 2006 after one of the suspects asked him to transfer a video to DVD that showed 10 men shooting weapons at a firing range and calling for jihad, prosecutors said. "If we didn't get that tip," said U.S. Attorney Christopher Christie, "I couldn't be sure what would happen." FBI agent J.P. Weis called the clerk the "unsung hero" of the case. Authorities said there was no direct evidence connecting the men to any international terror organizations such as Al Qaeda. But several of them said they were ready to kill and die "in the name of Allah," prosecutors said in court papers. Weis said the U.S. is seeing a "brand-new form of terrorism," involving smaller, more loosely defined groups that may not be connected to Al Qaeda but are inspired by its ideology. "These homegrown terrorists can prove to be as dangerous as any known group, if not more so. They operate under the radar," Weis said. FOX News' Catherine Herridge and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Venezuela's idiot leader opts out.

Hugo Chavez runs his country by shooting from the hip, so he says! I think he runs it without a brain and with no regard for the people who live there. Today he has decided that Venezuela doesn't need to be a member of the International Monetary Fund so he's going to pull out leaving $21,000,000,000 in debt to international investors which could ultimately collapse the Venezuelan economy. Smart huh? Here's what he's done so far; "This year, he (Chavez) announced the takeover of power utilities, the country's main telecommunications company and huge oil projects. After these nationalisation bombshells, officials showed no clear implementation plan and even Chavez supporters complained about the shock that caused the Caracas stock exchange to lose a fifth of its value in one day. In one telling exchange, Chavez rebuked a minister on live television for failing to implement his decisions more quickly, demanding to know why the telephone company was not yet in state hands. " Written by Guy Taylor of World Politics Watch. My opinion is he'll either be ousted through a coop with asassination for himself and those around him who basically hold the country hostage, or the people of Venezuela led by strong business leaders will find a legal way to remove him with the support of the masses. He's a duely elected candidate (doubtful) that has become a left wing totaltarian dictator filled with himself. MY ADVICE TO ALL AMERICANS - DO NOT BUY GAS AT CITGO!