Thursday, May 10, 2007

"God wants Amnesty"

I'm providing the article below from another source. But first, let's clarify what could become a really big problem in this country. Christians harboring illegal aliens. Here's my warning to you - you're breaking the law when you harbor a felon and you're looking prison in the face! Don't tell me you're a Christian and then go out and break the laws that God has put in place. God wants us all to obey the law especially if we are called by his name. "Immigration is a Religious Issue" "It's What God Wants and Expects." So says a coalition of the Christian "elite" while funding religious groups to lobby Congress for Amnesty legislation! A new Christian group touting liberal AMNESTY immigration reform has begun an extensive nationwide advertising campaign asking Congress to "create a path toward citizenship" for illegal immigrants as well as a guest worker program. The coalition began running full-page advertisements yesterday in Roll Call and Congressional Daily legislative publications. The Horace Hagedorn Foundation, a New York philanthropic organization far from all the problems at the U.S. border is a significant contributor to the ad campaign, and declined to name any other funding sources. The lobbying will focus in five states - Florida, Arizona, Kansas, Ohio and Pennsylvania. A spokesman for the group revealed their racist and elitist snobbery against working Americans, along with their ignorance and lack of compassion for the thousands of American families already harmed by 623,292 criminal illegal alien fugitives currently in the U.S. Another spokesman, Mr. Rodriguez said, "Churches across this country are preparing to provide sanctuary for those seeking protection from egregious actions against their welfare and families." Title 8 section 1300 of the Federal Code of Regulations makes it a FELONY to aid and abet people who commit Federal crimes. Violating U.S. borders, committing identity and tax fraud and not complying with a "deportation order" are all FELONIES. The groups and churches that assist these criminals are violating Federal Law and, by endorsing a political movement, they invalidate their TAX EXEMPT status and are open to paying taxes on property and donations. Okay! So here's my take on this deal. Christians and non-Christians have been inadvertently (and intentionally) harboring illegal immigrants (felons) for years in this country by using them as paid laborers. This has led to overwhelming immigration and social problems which have to be resolved now. Let's solve this problem now by our ideas and words which will be forwarded to our elected officials and Church leaders. Write your comments by clicking below.


  1. Chic, I couldn't agree with you more. I do not think we are EVER going to make any progress on securing our borders until we make it very uncomfortable for any U.S. citizent to harbor or employ someone who is not here legally. Not being able to get a job is going to be a much better deterent than a fence or threat of deportation.

  2. To choosetoday;
    It all comes down to Americans working together in respect of the law and each others safety. Greed for the almighty dollar clouds judgement. I sympathize with farmers needing cheap labor. This is a complex issue and the government needs to solve it to almost everyones satisfaction.
