Sunday, July 18, 2010

Questions President Obama SHOULD be Asked

By Jamie Walker Kirkland, WA
Anyone that’s ever been in or around politics knows that candidates have to answer a lot of questionnaires.
Additionally, there are probing questions that in some cases the media has a responsibility to ask on behalf of the public whose interest they are charged with representing and reporting.
But when it comes to the Office of the President, and specifically this one, there are a number of questions that the American public has no idea what he thinks or how he would respond. And regrettably, the media has ostensibly surrendered its role to be the investigative agent of the public.
So, as a start, here are a just a few questions that “We the People,” would like to know the answers to:

1. Which of the Founding Fathers do you admire, and why?
2. Why have you sealed all the records of your past? What does this say about you?
3. Why did you feel obligated to go around the world apologizing for what you perceive to be the sins of America’s past?
4. What’s wrong with Capitalism and why are you working to dismantle it?
5. How do you justify forcibly taking from those with more and giving it to those with less?
6. What’s your model or vision of a “more perfect union” and how do we get there?
7. Insofar as services or functions of a society, What SHOULDN’T governments do?
8. What did your wife mean by stating that you would make us change our traditions, history, etc.?
9. What measures are you using to gauge your policies performance?
10. Are you willing to change your policies if they are shown to be ineffectual or detrimental?
11. What are the primary ingredients to grow a healthy economy?
12. Do you believe that all cultures and lifestyles are morally equivalent?
13. What needs to happen with America’s ability to produce energy?
14. What makes Healthcare a Right?
15. Should scientists have to take a vow as doctors do to promote the integrity of their research and findings?
16. If the facts and data of scientific research disagreed with your philosophy, how would you respond?
17. Why do you continue to smoke yet condemn other unhealthy behaviors?
18. Why did you run as a moderate, but are now governing from the extreme hard left?
19. What is the highest percentage of income that American citizens should have to pay in taxes?
20. What are some of America’s great and admirable accomplishments?
21. Why have you chastised our allies and appeased our non-allies?
22. Does America have enemies? If so, who are they?
23. Do you share and align yourself with the politics and philosophies of your parents and grandparents?
24. Who were the great leaders of the world, and why?
25. You admitted that the country is functionally broke, yet you continue to spend and increase the national debt at historic rates. How do you explain this?
26. When did America’s debt really become a problem?
27. How would you describe and do you actually believe that you have much in common with the average American?
28. What do you have to say to the predominantly minority gangs of America?
29. Should American Children say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning at the start of school?
30. Is multi-generational welfare a problem and if yes, how should we end it?
31. Is there such a thing as Radical Militant Islam?
32. Are there factions of Islam which are a threat to the national security of America?
33. What parts of Gov’t should shrink?
34. What do you intend to do with your life when you are no longer President?

There are answers to each and every one of these questions. While it might be possible to speculate what President Obama would say, wouldn’t it be a lot better if we could get his own words and thoughts?
Unquestionably, this is just scratching the surface and you probably have more that you’d like to add to the list. The publishers of TalkAmerican encourage you to contribute to the list.
The floor is open…
Jamie Walker is a freelance writer and grassroots Republican political consultant residing in Kirkland, Wa. He is the past publisher of and has worked on a number of local, state, and federal level election campaigns. He is infamously known as The Dancing Delegate. He can be reached for comment or appearances via his Facebook account:

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