Sunday, August 15, 2010

Are Black Voters Delusional Over Obama? - HUMAN EVENTS

Are Black Voters Delusional Over Obama? - HUMAN EVENTS

According to a new Gallup poll, President Obama’s job approval rating is at an overall 46%, down from a 66% high in the month he was inaugurated. But here’s where it gets particularly interesting: the poll dissects the President’s support by race. Many commentators get touchy about this kind of data, concerned that extracting any findings—or even simply acknowledging the issue of race in an analysis—would in and of itself be racist, even though they don’t have any of the same qualms when voters are profiled according to gender, age, or income. Let’s assume that the Gallup organization isn’t some kind of racist lynch mob, and that we can learn something from their data.
So what did they find? Click the link above to read the whole article.

1 comment:

  1. After reading the article, here's the follow-up question: If you're a black American and you support Barack Obama, Why? American Talk and the country are genuinely interested in your thoughts and opinions.
