Thursday, January 13, 2011


            Months ago I pointed out that Obama was abusing the power of the President to issue Executive Orders. I also predicted that if the outcome of the election in November went against the Democrats the use of the executive orders would probably increase, potentially causing a major Constitutional crisis. 
            Recently, a far left think tank in Washington D.C. called The Center for American Progress has called for the President to by pass Congress and use his Executive powers to push forward his socialist agenda. The idea is to have Obama become a virtual dictator who will ignore the Constitution and act on his own despite the will of Congress and the American people.

            This would include using not only executive orders but also actions taken by such executive agencies as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). It is also suggested that he use his power as Commander in Chief of the military. The implications of that are particularly frightening to me.
            Of course, in addition to having control of cabinet positions such as the Dept. of Education and the Department of the Interior, Obama has also laid the groundwork for even more power and control by his appointment of 42 “Czars” who have extraordinary powers conferred by the President himself. These appointments were made without the advice and consent of the Senate that is required by the Constitution.
            Among the suggestions made by the Center for American Progress and those already in progress by the Obama Administration are the following:
            1. Having the FCC take control over the Internet so the Federal government can regulate the content and insure that Americans can only access content approved by the progressives in the Obama administration.
            2. Giving the FCC control over the radio and television broadcasting industry so that Americans can get the proper news content, in other words, that content approved by the Obama Administration and favorable to it. The obvious targets here are conservative talk radio shows and Fox News.
            3.  Since even some Democrats in the Senate see how disastrous the Cap and Trade Bill would be to the U.S. economy it will not pass. Obama intends to use the EPA to impose carbon taxes on U.S. businesses that will destroy jobs and increase utility costs on families by as much as 300%.
            4. Take control of the energy industry by severely limiting permits for oil exploration both inland and off the coast and further denying or delaying new permits for domestic coal mining in the United States.
            5. If the so called “Dream Act” fails to pass during the lame duck session of Congress than Obama plans to use a combination of executive orders and administrative agency action to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. This will include such actions as continuing to prohibit the Border Patrol from patrolling certain areas of the border and prohibiting it from arresting and deporting illegal immigrants with no prior criminal record.
            6. If the lame duck Congress fails to repeal the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy regarding homosexuals serving in the military Obama is considering taking action to repeal it through executive orders or administrative action.
            This is unprecedented in American history. The founding fathers of this nation carefully crafted the Constitution to establish three equal branches of government, the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Judicial Branch. Each of these would have limited powers and would provide a balance of power that would not allow any one branch to be stronger than the others. The intent was to maintain the integrity of the Republic and make sure that ours was a government controlled by the people.
            The intent of Obama is clear. He intends to elevate the Executive Branch of government that he controls into the position of being supreme to the other two branches. This will effectively nullify the recent 2010 election results and allow him and his progressive allies to continue to impose their agenda on an unwilling American public. In fact, some of the actions, including the moves to limit freedom of speech and freedom of the press, are specifically designed to impact and control the outcomes of future elections. Much of this they will attempt to do quietly with the assurance that it will not be reported by the mainstream news media that has proven itself to be an ally of the extreme left agenda.
            This is not an obscure conspiracy theory. It is happening now and is documented. As Americans we cannot become complacent. We must be prepared to fight this and make sure the people we have elected to Congress do that also. The time for compromise and bipartisanship is gone. We are now in a fight to preserve our nation.
            For my part, I intend to spend more time monitoring not only what is happening in Congress, but also what the President and his team are doing, and what is occurring in the courts. While I rejoiced in the fact that the American people expressed their will in the recent elections I also feared the reaction that would come from the elitists who seek to destroy our nation. The reaction is happening and the battle lines are clearly drawn.
Michael Connelly

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