Saturday, December 29, 2007

Who is really in command in Pakistan?

by; Lt. Col. Allen West (retired),

The assassination of former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto evidences who is really in command in Pakistan: Islamic terrorists and their ideology. Pervez Musharref has done nothing to promote civil liberties, constitutional order or rule of law in Pakistan. He is a despotic ruler who has been playing the Roman god Janus with the US, and indeed the world. Pakistan has received billions in US foreign aid in money and weapons support, but none of it has gone to fight against Islamic terrorism. It has been stockpiled to fight against their traditional enemy, the world's largest democratic state, India.

When Musharref ordered the withdrawal of Pakistani troops from Waziristan it allowed the establishment of a new terrorist sanctuary, a self-proclaimed "Talibanistan". The standoff at the Red Mosque earlier this month allowed us to see what happens when the radical islamists attempt to extend their ideology beyond the declared walls of sanctuary.

Benazir Bhutto knew the day she landed she was a marked woman, but her courage should embolden us to accept reality. That reality is that we face a barbaric and committed enemy which has no regard for liberty and freedoms, only their warped and insane 7th century vision of an antiquated totalitarian, imperialistic ideology. The best way to give tribute to Benazir Bhutto is to commit, as she did, to eradicate Islamic terrorism, the mysticism which holds hostage those who seek to step out of darkness, and into the light of individual freedom, not collective religious slavery.

There can be no doubt that Pervez Musharref and the Pakistan ISI allowed these continuous attacks to take place against Bhutto, until the enemies of our world were successful.

If our world leadership is serious, they will abandon the empty rhetoric of "strong condemnation" and begin to cut off aid to Pakistan and Musharref. We will begin to regulate the visas granted to Pakistan and revoke student visas. We will look to shut down our embassies. And lastly we will not allow the terrorist enemy sanctuary, wherever he seeks to find it, and that includes cross-border strike operations. These measures are not against the people of Pakistan who desire rule of law, civil liberties, and freedom. It is meant to place pressure and responsibility to enact a change. These measures would be meant to set conditions for those seeking reform to enact such, and restore honor and dignity to Pakistan.

Musharref is not an ally. He is a despotic user. Having been in southern Afghanistan, I know of the Chechnyans, Saudis, Yemenis, Uzbeks, Pakistanis, Somalis, and other Arabs who are captured in Afghanistan….and they have come from across the border in Pakistan. We all know that during the winter months many of the Taliban return to Waziristan to refit and retrain, preparing for the next spring campaign season. We know that the stories of Pakistan 'capturing' Taliban are just a hoax; in actuality they round up many Talibs who refuse to return to Afghanistan to fight.

Bhutto sacrificed her life to inspire all of us to stop "playing war" with this enemy, and face the truth that they are determined to enslave us all, and no one is safe from their maniacal desires. In particular, western female political leaders should be enraged at the loss of a promising voice. Our response to this tragedy must resound clearly, and not be a typical sound bite. We have to stand together as a free world.

We must declare the enemy to be Islamic terrorism (Al Qaeda, Taliban, Hezbollah, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Jihad, Al Aqsa Brigade, Al Quds Brigade, Iranian Republican Guards, Abu Sayyaf, Jemaat al Islamiah) and the state sponsors who provide them sanctuary and support: Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Libya, and Pakistan.

It is quite simple. Strategically we must:

* Deny this enemy sanctuary,

* Interdict his support (men, materiel, and money),

* Isolate him,

* Contain the promulgation of his ideology, and lastly

* Disrupt his operations worldwide.

This is not Bush's War. It is not a war in Iraq. It is a world war, an ideological struggle which cannot simply find a solution in appeasement, compromise, or negotiation. It takes bullets and words, the ability to know when to use each, and the willingness to do so.

Let not Benazir Bhutto's death be in vain.

My thanks to Jamie Walker for bringing this article to my attention.

Chic Hendricks

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Benazir Bhutto - A Victim of Evil

May the spirit of God be with her! You could almost see it coming. That part of the globe is so heated up, so radical, so bizarre right now - I wonder if it will ever be peaceful again? So, here's a woman, a leader of an educated nation making a comeback to politics because she has a multitude of supporters, a liberal leader in support of freedom and Democracy, trying to bring about positive change for her country, and she's cut down by someone willing to step into a crowd, gun her down, and then blow himself to pieces along with 20 others. Evil has no boundary's. It comes looking like an Angel - a messenger of God. It is deceiving many young men and women in the Middle East. One moment they're here on earth and in the blink of an eye, they're in Hell. No Virgins, no peace, no nothing - forever! Here in America, it's hard for me to imagine how Satan can so completely take over a person's mind, soul, and even their country. I hope that every American is watching the various news stories today and digesting what's happening in Pakistan and the rest of the Middle East. As Hal Lindsey wrote 30 years ago "Satan is Alive and well on planet Earth". We cannot take our freedom and peace for granted. It is God given! We Americans have a duty to care for each other and our neighbors around the world. We must do all we can to defeat this hideous Evil that attracts young Muslims to a violent death and ultimately threatens the lives of millions of innocent people around the globe. May God bless all of you, and I pray you will have a Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Atheist, The Bear, and GOD!

An atheist was walking through the woods. 'What majestic trees'! 'What powerful rivers'! 'What beautiful animals'! - He said to himself. As he was walking alongside the river, he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him. He turned to look. He saw a 7-foot grizzly bear charge towards him. He ran as fast as he could up the path. He looked over his shoulder & saw that the bear was closing in on him. He looked over his shoulder again, & the bear was even closer. He tripped & fell on the ground. He rolled over to pick himself up but saw that the bear was right on top of him, reaching for him with his left paw & raising his right paw to strike him. At that instant the Atheist cried out, 'Oh my God!' Time Stopped. The bear froze. The forest was silent. As a bright light shone upon the man, a voice came out of the sky. 'You deny my existence for all these years, teach others I don't exist and even credit creation to a cosmic accident.' 'Do you expect me to help you out of this predicament? Am I to count you as a believer'?
The atheist looked directly into the light, 'It would be hypocritical of me to suddenly ask you to treat me as a Christian now, but perhaps you could make the BEAR a Christian'? 'Very Well,' said the voice. The light went out. The sounds of the forest resumed. And the bear dropped his right paw, brought both paws together, bowed his head & spoke:
'Lord bless this food, which I am about to receive from thy bounty through Christ our Lord, Amen.'

Saturday, December 8, 2007

"Muhammad" Teddy Bears

You'll recall the story of Gillian Gibbons, who was tried for inciting religious hatred, convicted, sentenced to 15 days prison time and deportation, and eventually pardoned (after protesters called for her execution, BTW) after naming a teddy bear Muhammed in a class exercise in Sudan.

An Arizona man has decided to support the right to Name Bears (as opposed to Bear Arms) with the site (at the same time capitalizing on a recent event and making some cash in the process). Bears are $9.95 (50% off for the holidays), and there is a bulk ordering discount for more than 5 bears. According to the site, $1 of every bear purchased goes to the USO to support U.S. troops. Of course, I also noticed, besides the shipping fee, a handling fee of $1.99. I always find handling fees to really be just another way to make more profit. So that $1 donation is made up (if it's just one bear) by the handling fee. The site says clothes and accessories are coming soon. In a way though, it's really taking advantage of someone's poor fortune (Gibbons'). Too bad she can't share in this. Don't get me wrong, though, I find this clever and amusing, if also capitalizing on something. According to a press release on the site, Mark Bold (Site Owner) said,

"There isn’t much more that brings a smile to a child than a teddy bear, and if a child, teacher, or anyone wants one with the name Muhammad, they can now have one."

Reprinted from a Robert Lee email I received.

Friday, December 7, 2007

The Insurance debacle!

The insurance industry is almost a NIGHTMARE and it's getting worse! Why would I say something so bold? If you've had a claim against your policy or the policy of another insured person or entity, good luck getting reimbursed for your losses. If you've allowed your policy to lapse, due to not paying attention, you forgot to pay your premium on time, stupidity on your part, whatever! You'll find that your insurance company who you thought was there to take care of you in times of emergency and great need, will in reality treat you as a total stranger. DO NOT expect a friend in them, or a friendly voice on the other end of the phone ready to assist you through your difficult time. You'll actually find a seemingly caring person who is really GREED in disguise. Your insurance company is very interested in having your money to help them make more money - PERIOD , that's it, nothing else. Paying out claims today is not the priority for insurance companies that it once was not so long ago. Big companies like SAFECO and UNIVERSAL Underwriters are teaching their adjusters to deny all claims several times before settling. The motto is wear the customer down and make him settle for pennies on the dollar! If you've had a set back with finances or credit - you're out! A blip on your credit report now dictates whether you get insurance or not, and the size of premiums you pay for Home Owners and Auto insurance. What does a credit report have to do with insurance? You're not asking the Insurance company for credit! If you think this is ridiculous - do a little research on the internet and find out for yourself. My recommendation - dump SAFECO and UNIVERSAL and try to find an independent agent that can provide the kind of service we all expect from the billions of dollars we collectively pay to them each year! Good luck! You'll need it!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Words of Greatness!

In 1863, as Abraham Lincoln issued his Thanksgiving Day Proclamation establishing Thanksgiving as a national annual event, occurring on the fourth Thursday of November, he said,

“No human counsel hath devised, nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the most high God, who while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently, and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American people.”

As we prepare for Thanksgiving, we need to give thanks that our nation has not again endured another attack like 9/11. Six years ago most thought such an attack was inevitable by now. Along with the protecting hand of Almighty God, the diligent efforts of many Americans have made this possible. Some would grow weary of these tasks and the burdens that they place on us. Those need to be reminded who our enemy is.

Thanks to Christian Response for providing these words. Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

"Test of Three" Measurement

This is a follow on to the post from yesterday; America - Truth or Consequences This was provided by Rick B., one of our readers. Keep this philosophy in mind the next time you hear or are about to repeat a rumor. In ancient Greece (469 - 399 BC), Socrates was widely lauded for his wisdom. One day the great philosopher came upon an acquaintance, who ran up to him excitedly and said, "Socrates, do you know what I just heard about one of your students...?" "Wait a moment," Socrates replied. "Before you tell me, I'd like you to pass a little test. It's called the Test of Three." "Test of Three?" "That's correct," Socrates continued. "Before you talk to me about my student let's take a moment to test what you're going to say. The first test is Truth. Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true?" "No," the man replied, "actually I just heard about it." "All right," said Socrates. "So you don't really know if it's true or not. Now let's try the second test, the test of Goodness. Is what you are about to tell me about my student something good?" "No, on the contrary..." "So," Socrates continued, "you want to tell me something bad about him even though you're not certain it's true?" The man shrugged, a little embarrassed. Socrates continued, "You may still pass though because there is a third test - the filter of Usefulness. Is what you want to tell me about my student going to be useful to me?" "No, not really..." "Well," concluded Socrates, "if what you want to tell me is neither True nor Good nor even Useful, why tell it to me at all?" The man was defeated and ashamed and said no more.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

America - Truth or Consequences?

Most of us listen to some news and some talk radio. It's all around us, how can we not tune in? We hear so much about what our elected officials are saying about other people. Quite frankly, we hear very little (of substance) about how they're going to make our lives better and safer. I'm fed up, as I'm sure most of you are with those who speak ill of others so that the whole world will hear them. My father taught me years ago to "not say bad things about others" for 2 reasons; 1.) It's disrespectful and, 2.) It demeans who you are. I may be an idealist but, so what! I grew up in an America where children had respect for their elders, there was honor among men at all levels of society, and you just simply didn't lie. Our society lived by God's laws , not man's laws. When I hear Congress men and women speaking half truths on an issue, I wonder why they would do that, and then it hits me - personal gain, that's why! I really wonder where we're headed? If all of our elected officials would just speak the truth (win or lose), America would truly be free!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Bush - The First American Dictator?

Yes, indeed! You heard me. The following article is a scary read - especially if it were true! This article was written by the infamous Novosti news service in Russia. Notorious for dis-information campaigns against the United States. What's scarier is that a Seattle based progressive political group (Progressive Majority) bought into it and is spreading it around. They're lead by a former big union guy, and backed by a lot of retired Judges and Attorneys who are card carrying members of the ACLU. I should rest my case at this point. However, you should research it yourself and post your findings here. Once they're found out to be spreading Russian propaganda, I don’t think they'll have much credibility left, especially in the 8 states that they are currently operating in. ___________________________________________________________________ WASHINGTON , July 20 - A former Reagan official has issued a public warning that the Bush administration is preparing to orchestrate a staged terrorist attack in the United States , transform the country into a dictatorship and launch a war with Iran within a year. Paul Craig Roberts, a former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, blasted Thursday a new Executive Order, released July 17, allowing the White House to seize the assets of anyone who interferes with its Iraq policies and giving the government expanded police powers to exercise control in the country. Roberts, who spoke on the Thom Hartmann radio program, said: "When Bush exercises this authority [under the new Executive Order], there's no check to it. So it really is a form of total, absolute, one-man rule." "The American people don't really understand the danger that they face," Roberts said, adding that the so-called neoconservatives intended to use a renewal of the fight against terrorism to rally the American people around the fading Republican Party. Old-line Republicans like Roberts have become increasingly disenchanted with the neoconservative politics of the Bush administration, which they see as a betrayal of fundamental conservative values. According to a July 9-11 survey by Ipsos, an international public opinion research company, President Bush and the Republicans can claim a mere 31 percent approval rating for their handling of the Iraq war and 38 percent for their foreign policy in general, including terrorism. "The administration figures themselves and prominent Republican propagandists ... are preparing us for another 9/11 event or series of events," he said. "You have to count on the fact that if al Qaeda is not going to do it, it is going to be orchestrated. "Roberts suggested that in the absence of a massive popular outcry, only the federal bureaucracy and perhaps the military could put constraints on Bush's current drive for a fully-fledged dictatorship. "They may have had enough. They may not go along with it," he said. The radio interview was a follow-up to Robert's latest column, in which he warned that "unless Congress immediately impeaches Bush and Cheney, a year from now the U.S. could be a dictatorial police state at war with Iran . "Roberts, who has been dubbed the "Father of Reaganomics" and has recently gained popularity for his strong opposition to the Bush administration and the Iraq War, regularly contributes articles to Creators Syndicate, an independent distributor of comic strips and syndicated columns for daily newspapers.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

U.S. Senator vs. Talk Radio (re: the immigration bill)

Why are Republican Senators so eager to grant amnesty! What are they smoking? Here's the latest on the immigration issue. Senator Lott is complaining that Americas Talk Radio hosts are creating a big problem by causing voters to call the congressional switchboard more than ever over this immigration bill which he and Pres. Bush and Ted Kennedy are trying to shove down our throats even though it failed the cloture vote on June 7. It failed because many Americans called or wrote in saying "don't do it". Now they're scrambling around making threatening deals with Jr. Senators to vote in favor of the bill. It's really ugly! Republican and Democrats alike. So, I guess we need to stop being such a "big problem" for our elected officials. Yeh - sure!!! I think the vote is today - it may have already happened. I sent the following letter to Lott's office. Senator Lott: We met at Tom Stewarts ranch in 1999. I was campaigning for King County Assessor. It is my opinion that your recent personal attacks regarding talk radio proves to me that you're out of touch with the American public. I have supported your positions for the most part over the years but you're so far off base on this one that it makes me wonder what you spend your time doing? We get more information out of talk radio than we do your office or any other government office for that matter. You should be pleased that talk radio is out there primarily in support of mostly conservative issues. If talk show hosts can light up the Congressional switchboard, doesn't that tell you that Americans are listening to the issues? If that's a problem for you - you should either change the way you do business or find another job. I am publishing your comments and this letter on

Thursday, June 7, 2007

A Mastectomy law - are you kidding?

A very special friend of mine recently emailed me this. I did not know that women have to deal with this issue. I support this bill which is unusual for me due to my smaller unintrusive government stance. "Subject: Mastectomy Bill in Congress; Insurance companies are trying to make mastectomies an outpatient procedure. There's a bill before Congress called the Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act which will require insurance companies to cover a minimum 48-hour hospital stay for patients undergoing a mastectomy. It's about eliminating the "drive-through mastectomy" where women are forced to go home just a few hours after surgery, against the wishes of their doctor, and still groggy from anesthesia, and sometimes with drainage tubes still attached. Lifetime Television has put this bill on their web page with a petition drive to show your support. In the past year, over half the U.S. House of Representatives has signed on. Let's give women the chance to recover properly in the hospital for 2 days after surgery. PLEASE!! Sign the petition by clicking on the web link below. You need not give more than your name and zip code number. This takes about 2 seconds. PLEASE PASS THIS ON to your friends and family, and on behalf of all women, THANKS." Before you go - PLEASE write your comments about this issue by clicking below. These can be the same comments you wrote in the comment box when signing the petition. This is as important as signing the petition on Lifetime's link. The U.S. Congress will look at the numbers of people who have signed the petition, but more importantly, they are interested in what you have to say. They will read comments randomly and from a variety of sources. Let's inundate them! Watch for my next post coming in a couple of days about the Insurance Industry - excuse me; the Insurance Mob!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Mexican invasion or Amnesty?

What a week its been! What is it going to be - amnesty - really? Here's the link to the U.S. Immigration Support website it outlines the new deal for illegal aliens. The $5,000 payment from immigrants who are struggling to make ends meet - I think the government is going to look the other way! What's your take on the new deal?

Monday, May 14, 2007

Will the war on Terror be over if the U.S. leaves Iraq?

This article was written by a good friend of mine, former Navy Commander Doug Roulstone, Captain USN (Retired). Doug commanded the nuclear aircraft carrier, U.S.S. Stennis during the first Gulf war.

He wrote this for the Everett Herald in Washington state - David Broder writes a very thought provoking article titled “Popular Demand Will Eventually End This War”. No one likes seeing the rising death toll of our service men and women lost in Iraq. Everyone would be in favor of a complete pullout, if we knew that the Iraqi government could stand on their own two feet and provide for security of their own people. It does not appear that we are at that point now. The very real debate is whether we will ever get there. One key point seems to be lost in all the focus on Iraq, their government, their security forces and their ability to provide for their own security. The Global War on Terror. Do you believe that there is a Global War on Terror or not? If you don’t think we are involved in this war then we are just engaged in a conflict in Iraq. We can stay or leave and it really is all about our relationship with Iraq. Of course there are those that will say that this just sets up Iran for an annexation of Iraq which leads to a major oil crisis. But let us set aside this argument for the moment and get back to the Global War on Terror question. If you believe that there is a Global War on Terror, then where is the central battlefield of this war? The State Department, National Counterterrorism Center reports on April 13, 2007 that there were 14,338 incident of terrorism in the world in 2006. There were 6,630 incident of terror in Iraq. Fully 46 percent of all terrorist incidents in the world were in Iraq. The central front of the Global War on Terror is in Iraq, just as Osama bid Laden tells us. If we believe that there is a global war and if the central front is in Iraq, then what will happen if we pull out of Iraq? David Broder closes his article with the statement that “Wars do end when the American people say they must. Dwight Eisenhower was elected president in 1952 with a promise to end the Korean War. Richard Nixon was elected president in 1968 with a promise to end the Viet Nam War. And if George Bush doesn’t do it, a Democrat will win in 2008 with a promise to end the war in Iraq”. Two points about the Broder statement. We still have thousands of troops deployed in South Korea. Since pulling out of Viet Nam, we have not experienced a single attack on US soil by the Viet Cong. If we do choose to leave Iraq before we have defeated the enemy, it will only force the central front of the Global War on Terror to move to a new location. Will that new location be Asia, Africa, Europe or the United States? At this point only Osama bid Laden knows for sure. One thing is certain. If the war moves back to the United States as it was on September 11, 2001, then whomever decides to pull us out of Iraq before the job is done will be directly responsible and accountable to the American people for any new attack. The Global War on Terror is unlike any conventional war we have ever waged. It is much more like the Cold War then either World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Viet Nam War or even the Gulf War. In each of these wars we had a defined central front and a well defined enemy to defeat. That is not the case today. In the Cold War, our goal was to stop the spread of communism. There were several countries spreading communism world-wide and we resisted them for over 50 years until the major player, the Soviet Union, finally fell apart. Communism is not gone but rather has mostly been put back in the box. China, Cuba and others are still out there and we are still resisting the spread of communism. Radical Islam has replaced communism as our greatest threat. Al-Qaida has replaced the Soviet Union as the leader of this threat. We knew fairly clearly where to find the Soviet Union. They had a defined country with defined borders. Al-Qaida has no defined country and no defined borders. This is a different war. Where do you think the central front of the Global War on Terror will be in 2008 after the Democrats pull us out of Iraq? I hope it is not in the United States.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Does the world hate America?

Absolutely no! We're loved and admired by many people and nations because of the food and medical assistance we've provided since as long as I can remember. No one else does it on the scale we do. We've helped the worlds masses who are starving, and in physical need and oppressed by ruthless rulers. Americans have died for many of them. Are there some haters out there? Oh yes! Too many to speak of. But not on the scale perpetrated by the mainstream media. I read these comments by Salvestro on another web blog today; "In short if the US is to not be hated by the world then America must look at itself through the eyes of the world, and only then will the solutions becomes clear." Sorry Salvestro; you're way wrong! If the US looks at itself thru the eyes of the world, we're doomed. We must see ourselves thru God's eyes only otherwise we will lose our position as the leader of the free world.

Is Mayor Bloomberg a felon by breaking laws in Virginia?

Friday, May 11, 2007 In an effort to end the illegal, covert "Simulated Straw Purchase" stings that anti-gun New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg (R) has been misguidedly promoting of late, Virginia Attorney General Robert McDonnell (R) recently sent a letter to Bloomberg reminding him that Virginia’s House Bill 2653 - which prohibits gun dealer entrapment schemes such as those orchestrated by the Mayor - will go into effect this summer. With the new law going into effect in July, Bloomberg and his agents could face legal action and be charged with a felony if they do not cease their dubious "sting" operations. "While I understand that you are attempting to take steps that you believe may enhance the public safety of the citizens of New York City, such laws are Virginia's duty to enforce," said McDonnell in his letter to the Mayor. "This new law strikes the proper balance between ensuring effective law enforcement and protecting the rights of law-abiding firearms dealers and those of Virginia citizens under the Second Amendment." In a May 10, Washington Times article, Tucker Martin, a spokesman for Mr. McDonnell’s office, said, "Law-abiding Virginia gun dealers certainly do not deserve to be targeted by private agents intentionally misleading them as to their intentions and motives. This is a courtesy to the mayor. Prior actions of his are now felony offenses in the commonwealth, and he knows this." Virginia’s state House and Senate overwhelmingly approved the measure, which was signed into law by Virginia Governor Tim Kaine (D) on March 23, 2007. Copyright 2007, National Rifle Association of America, Institute for Legislative Action.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

"God wants Amnesty"

I'm providing the article below from another source. But first, let's clarify what could become a really big problem in this country. Christians harboring illegal aliens. Here's my warning to you - you're breaking the law when you harbor a felon and you're looking prison in the face! Don't tell me you're a Christian and then go out and break the laws that God has put in place. God wants us all to obey the law especially if we are called by his name. "Immigration is a Religious Issue" "It's What God Wants and Expects." So says a coalition of the Christian "elite" while funding religious groups to lobby Congress for Amnesty legislation! A new Christian group touting liberal AMNESTY immigration reform has begun an extensive nationwide advertising campaign asking Congress to "create a path toward citizenship" for illegal immigrants as well as a guest worker program. The coalition began running full-page advertisements yesterday in Roll Call and Congressional Daily legislative publications. The Horace Hagedorn Foundation, a New York philanthropic organization far from all the problems at the U.S. border is a significant contributor to the ad campaign, and declined to name any other funding sources. The lobbying will focus in five states - Florida, Arizona, Kansas, Ohio and Pennsylvania. A spokesman for the group revealed their racist and elitist snobbery against working Americans, along with their ignorance and lack of compassion for the thousands of American families already harmed by 623,292 criminal illegal alien fugitives currently in the U.S. Another spokesman, Mr. Rodriguez said, "Churches across this country are preparing to provide sanctuary for those seeking protection from egregious actions against their welfare and families." Title 8 section 1300 of the Federal Code of Regulations makes it a FELONY to aid and abet people who commit Federal crimes. Violating U.S. borders, committing identity and tax fraud and not complying with a "deportation order" are all FELONIES. The groups and churches that assist these criminals are violating Federal Law and, by endorsing a political movement, they invalidate their TAX EXEMPT status and are open to paying taxes on property and donations. Okay! So here's my take on this deal. Christians and non-Christians have been inadvertently (and intentionally) harboring illegal immigrants (felons) for years in this country by using them as paid laborers. This has led to overwhelming immigration and social problems which have to be resolved now. Let's solve this problem now by our ideas and words which will be forwarded to our elected officials and Church leaders. Write your comments by clicking below.

Fort Dix Six

Six foreign-born Muslims were accused Tuesday of planning to assault the Army base and slaughter scores of U.S. soldiers with automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades. The unidentified clerk is being credited with tipping off authorities in January 2006 after one of the suspects asked him to transfer a video to DVD that showed 10 men shooting weapons at a firing range and calling for jihad, prosecutors said. "If we didn't get that tip," said U.S. Attorney Christopher Christie, "I couldn't be sure what would happen." FBI agent J.P. Weis called the clerk the "unsung hero" of the case. Authorities said there was no direct evidence connecting the men to any international terror organizations such as Al Qaeda. But several of them said they were ready to kill and die "in the name of Allah," prosecutors said in court papers. Weis said the U.S. is seeing a "brand-new form of terrorism," involving smaller, more loosely defined groups that may not be connected to Al Qaeda but are inspired by its ideology. "These homegrown terrorists can prove to be as dangerous as any known group, if not more so. They operate under the radar," Weis said. FOX News' Catherine Herridge and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Venezuela's idiot leader opts out.

Hugo Chavez runs his country by shooting from the hip, so he says! I think he runs it without a brain and with no regard for the people who live there. Today he has decided that Venezuela doesn't need to be a member of the International Monetary Fund so he's going to pull out leaving $21,000,000,000 in debt to international investors which could ultimately collapse the Venezuelan economy. Smart huh? Here's what he's done so far; "This year, he (Chavez) announced the takeover of power utilities, the country's main telecommunications company and huge oil projects. After these nationalisation bombshells, officials showed no clear implementation plan and even Chavez supporters complained about the shock that caused the Caracas stock exchange to lose a fifth of its value in one day. In one telling exchange, Chavez rebuked a minister on live television for failing to implement his decisions more quickly, demanding to know why the telephone company was not yet in state hands. " Written by Guy Taylor of World Politics Watch. My opinion is he'll either be ousted through a coop with asassination for himself and those around him who basically hold the country hostage, or the people of Venezuela led by strong business leaders will find a legal way to remove him with the support of the masses. He's a duely elected candidate (doubtful) that has become a left wing totaltarian dictator filled with himself. MY ADVICE TO ALL AMERICANS - DO NOT BUY GAS AT CITGO!

Friday, April 27, 2007


Much has been said about this maniacal, radical, crazed and yes.....EVIL....sect of the human race. I'm including copy-cats such as the Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, and so on. All those who claim to be the new judges of the rest of us. For terrorists: I despise writing about you because you don't deserve mention here, or anywhere for that matter. But, I must, because you need to know what people think of you and your actions around the world and what your fate really is if you continue to believe in this ridiculous ideaology. Your fate is not 72 virgins in Heaven! What if you're female? What good would 72 virgins do you? Here's a big surprise - you've been lied to by Satan! The Devil himself is working overtime on planet Earth. God doesn't want you to kill people and die a horrible death, but Satan does. God stands for life and love. Satan stands for death and hate. It's that simple! I would encourage you not to be fooled by Osama Bin Laden and others. They have twisted Islamic beliefs and have influenced you to the point of death. Permanent death - for their benefit! Their goals are sinister, not noble. Don't blow yourself up for a bunch of nut cases. Find out who God really is and what he wants of you. I don't believe that all of Islam is this way. It appears that evil people have used the Islamic religion as a launching pad for their plans to dominate the world. Adolf Hitler did something very similar prior and during World War II. The fate of Hitler is the fate of Osama Bin Laden and others. However, they will do much damage to property and human life unless all freedom loving civilizations around the world fight this very old evil.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Bush on Illegals

I agree with President Bush 70% to 80% of the time but this deal yanks my chain! "Last week, President Bush stood on the border in Yuma, Arizona, and declared "mission accomplished" in securing the border against the human tsunami of illegals pouring in to our country day and night. He then stated his belief that now he will be able to sign a "comprehensive immigration reform" -- in other words, AMNESTY -- bill by the end of the year, which would include a so-called "guest-worker" program, along with a path to BUY legalized citizenship for millions of illegal aliens and the 623,292 fugitive Illegal aliens in the U.S. who have been LOST by Homeland Security. So... Congress is ready to debate and pass legislation to fool the American people and supposedly address the causes and consequences of the flood of illegal crossings swamping America's southern border". supplied by, Christian Response Mr. President, with all due respect, I cannot agree with this policy. Many naturalized citizens have given to much to become good, hard working Americans while watching these illegals break our laws and get away with it. This is absolutely not fair to any American.

Rudy Giuliani; a likeable guy, but.

You're probably a moderate Democrat! Oh well! Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, a dyed in the hide "rhino" (Republican-in-name-only), continues to show his true colors. Initially, Giuliani tried to sell himself to the party’s base as a closet conservative, despite his longstanding support for gay rights, gun control and abortion. Since that isn’t working (his poll numbers are slipping), the Mayor is trying a different approach. At a campaign stop in Iowa over the weekend, Giuliani told supporters, "Our party is going to grow, and we are going to win in 2008, if we are a party characterized by what we are for, not if we’re a party that’s known for what we are against." Speaking of abortion, the Mayor advised, "Our party has to get beyond issues like that." written by; Dr. Rick Scarborough of Vision America. I don't think so Rudy! You're a nice guy for handling the 9-11 disaster but your positions on abortion, guns, and homosexuals are not right for America.

Where is American Honor and Respect?

I grew up in Wichita, Kansas. I learned honor and respect at an early age at home, at school, and at church. I spent 12 years in Scouting with the Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and the Explorer Scouts. Honor and respect were first and foremost in the creed. It's still with me today. Today, some of our U.S. Senators and Congressmen show little honor and respect for each other and especially for those with opposing opinions including those who hold a higher office. Speaking out in front of the international media against the President is dishonorable and disrespectful. It's fuel to our enemies! Whether Liberal or Conservative, we live together in this great nation and, we are the ones who have made it great. Let's keep it that way and not allow any single individual (from within or without) tear us apart. There are many outside forces that would love to claim their part in America's fall. If good and honorable Americans continue to debate with each other and then have dinner together afterwards, our God given greatness will continue.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

NBC and the mainstream media.

I think NBC has gone to far with the Virginia Tech shooter video ( I will not use his name here because he doesn't deserve any more recognition). They've been playing it over and over. Enough is enough! Let's not give the evil s.o.b. any more air time. Let's give the airtime (if need be) to the victims, their families, and the school. Lets highlight the great things V-Tech does. Lets talk about the positive achievements of the students, not the momentary actions of a crazed maniac.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Conservative or Liberal ?

No matter who you are, you're a little bit of both. Conservative on some issues and liberal on others. Let me give you a perfect example. Myself - on guns. I live in one of the most Liberal (politically speaking) states in America, the State of Washington. I'll go into greater detail about this state some other time but, for now I want to focus on the liberal gun policy in this state. I've had a concealed weapons permit since 1973. Fairly easy to get, if your not a criminal. Even after it expired once, I could renew it fairly easily. Fingerprint cards, FBI background checks, etc. I can carry (and I do) a .45 caliber semi-automatic handgun as a sidearm. Concealed under my coat of course. I actually could carry it in the open without a permit, but someone may perceive it as a threat and I could be arrested. Gun shows. A very good variety of them in this state. A criminal buying a gun in this state? Extremely difficult - unless you're becoming a criminal after you buy the gun, which of course happens once in a great while. A very small percentage, however. So I'm a liberal when it comes to this policy. When am I a conservative? Good question! Most of the time actually. See where you compare in this list of popular issues. 1.ABORTION - I'm against it unless the Doctor say's it is life or death for the mother; and in case of rape or incest. On April 19, 2007 in a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Congress’ 2003 ban on partial-birth abortion is constitutional, meaning that the gruesome procedure may no longer be practiced in the United States of America. 2. TAXES - OOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Hot button! It pisses me off that we can't seem to stop our elected officials from spending, spending, spending, It's foolishness. Republicans and Democrats alike! All seem to be big spenders now. Let me quote the 30th President of the United States of America. "I favor the policy of economy, not because I wish to save money, but because I wish to save people. The men and women of this country who toil are the ones who bear the cost of government. Every dollar that we carelessly waste means that their life will be so much more meager. Every dollar that we prudently save means that their life will be so much more abundant". We need to fix this spending problem NOW!!!! 3. SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE - This is simple and can be simply understood. The United States constitution guarantees Freedom of Religion not freedom from religion. See my comments about the ACLU. Please verify what I'm saying by investigating this issue on your own.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Illegal Aliens - Sanctuaries

This is crazy! After all the media coverage over the past few years about our border problems, I just heard on the news that the city of Seattle is considering becoming a sanctuary for illegal aliens. Tell me I'm hearing things! We have laws about how you enter this country. If you cross the border illegally, you've broken the law. So what does it mean when your a big city Mayor or Council and you decide to harbor law breakers? I have great disdain for those who would snub the federal laws that have worked well for many years. If it's broken - help fix it! But, don't circumvent it! "There is no question in my mind that we now have anarchy regarding illegal immigration in this country. Our four most populous cities, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Houston, all have "Sanctuary" policies in place, as do scores of other places. Thus, criminal aliens can avoid detection by Homeland Security in many parts of the nation". written by; Bill O'Reilly p.s. If you're new to this country and are becoming a U.S. citizen - please learn to speak English. You'll be disabled in a foreign country if you don't learn the language. Those of us who have grown up in America want to know that you truly want to be an American. We communicate with each other through the language of American English. Please; TALK AMERICAN!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

GUNS in America

Please, take a moment and pray for the families that lost their loved ones on the Virginia Tech campus this morning. A distraught student shot and killed 32 other students in a senseless, maniacal act of aggression and vengeance. God only, knows why! In fact if the shooter had turned to God for help, this wouldn't have happened. He would have known that vengeance belongs to God. The spirit of God be with all those who perished, and the peace of God be with their grieving families. ___________________________________________________________________________ First; my position on guns. ALL guns need to be in the hands of law abiding citizens who have moral character. Those who understand the difference between right and wrong as God directs them. ___________________________________________________________________________ I recently heard that Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City has launched a national campaign to recruit Major city Mayors to his anti-gun campaign. He and George Soros are intending to do away with guns in America. Okey-dokey!!! First of all, it ain't going to happen while I'm alive. Millions of NRA members have agreed; "you'll be prying my last gun, completely emptied, from my cold dead fingers". It paints a vivid picture, doesn't it? Imagine guns in America becoming illegal thru the efforts of Bloomberg, Soros, and give or take 50 major city Mayors. Here's my opinion. Chaos and revolutionary war in America - no doubt about it. I'm not one to give in to radicalism but, the left wing anti-gun minority will suffer great losses! There are too many Americans with legal firearms that will not part with them. You wont be seeing another "gun grab" like we saw in England and Australia in recent years. By the way, crime rates in those countries (especially home burglaries) have shot up by multiple hundreds of percent. I would like to caution the Mayor of any town or city in America; "make sure your doing the peoples will - not your own". I would much rather see guns in the hands of all law abiding citizens who are trustworthy, honest, and moral. But then, I'm an idealist! If Bloomberg and group wants my help removing guns from criminals and all bad guys - I'm on board. Let's see the plan! But don't tell me you're going to try to remove all guns in America - you don't have enough money for that campaign. A boycott of Bloomberg News would be a good thing. And, as far as George Soros goes, even though he's a U.S. citizen, deporting him back to Hungary would be nice but unlikely. Considering his background and track record at bending the laws, my guess would be that he has done so already by manipulating campaign laws to suit his needs. It's just that no one has challenged him on it. Not even the justice department. That's troublesome!

Most common American disease - Lack of Common Sense

Holy moly! I just heard a Seattle radio talk show host say that he thought President Bush should have sent 150,000 troops to Afghanistan rather than Iraq. This guy was extremely serious. Where in hades is common sense these days? Have we raised a generation of Americans that seem to know everything ? They seem to know exactly what the President (and Congress) should and shouldn't do. Where did we get so many insightful people who obviously know more than our elected officials on matters of state and war? The real truth is, we have a lot of opinions in this country but little common sense at the individual level. The rest of the world believes we're in chaos here. We can't agree on anything. The network media spews our (seemingly) hatred for each other and our elected officials such as Nancy Pelosi speak out against our leadership to anyone who'll give them an ear. What happened to duty, honor, and respect for your fellow man? Our enemies look for one thing - a disentegrating America. It opens the door for radicals and their agenda for change. What would the change be? A takeover of the U.S. Government by those who want control over the masses. MMMMMmmmm...!!! Sounds familiar doesn't it?