Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Problems with Progressivism

By Jamie Walker

When considering the matter of the Progressive Movement, what it is, and what it believes, it seems prudent to critically review and in turn comment upon the definitive text they themselves use to describe it. As quoted from perhaps the singular best authority on the subject of the Progressive Movement, The Center for American Progress, let us examine the history, ideals and principles of Progressivism, to gain insight and a better understanding.

Progressivism at its core is grounded in the idea of progress—moving beyond the status quo to more equal and just social conditions consistent with original American democratic principles such as freedom, equality, and the common good.

Or restated, to progress beyond the traditional constraints of established principles of living and the rules set down to “form a more perfect union,” in favor of those that the adherents have adopted and/or identify as socially “unjust.” While the opening statement claims consistency with the founding principles of freedom, equality and the common good, it is in fact a deceptive statement which refers to the state of the collective rather than to that of the individual. It is a world-view that advances the rights of “men” as opposed to the rights of “man,”

In the next sentence, Progressivism is further revealed to be the culmination of intellectualism, or those capable of thinking outside and above the mundane existence of humanity to see “the better way.”

Progressivism as an intellectual movement emerged between 1890 and 1920 as a response to the multitude of problems associated with the industrialization of the U.S. economy—frequent economic depressions, political corruption, rising poverty, low wages, poor working conditions, tenement living, child labor, lack of collective bargaining power, unsafe consumer products, and the misuse of natural resources.

Clearly, America – even the world – at the turn of the 20th century was a land that had problems. Technology and innovation were already enhancing and extending life spans, while demanding ever increasing volumes of limited natural resources. Unquestionably, each of the items mentioned above did exist and needed to be addressed. But it is the manner in which the solutions were exacted that demonstrates the contemptuousness of the movement.

Note: What is not mentioned in this passage is the occurrence of the greatest of all American Depressions – a direct result of excessive government spending, meddling, and debt. The depression was ended by a radical reduction in governmental – scope, spending and reach – and in turn, gave birth to The Roaring 20’s.

In its infancy, Progressivism believed that humanity was perfectible by re-ordering society to address these inequalities through the implementation of “social justice.” But to simply accept this statement without closer inspection is to wantonly ignore the fact that Progressivism has at its core, both a classist and racist root that to this day, creates tension between brothers and neighbors where none once existed; nor should.

"The original Progressive Era is known primarily for two major developments in American politics:

  • One, political reforms crafted to break up the power of privileged interests, such as expanded suffrage, direct primaries, direct election of senators, and the initiative and referendum process
  • Two, economic reforms structured to counterbalance the excessive power of business and to fight inequality measures such as the graduated income and inheritance taxes, the right to organize and other labor protections, unemployment insurance, worker’s compensation, old age and disability provisions, food and drug safety laws, and conservation measures"

Insofar as their well-meaned intentions go, these are laudable. However after a century of implementation, it is apparent that the self-proclaimed savior of humanity from itself, has become the new slave master. We have now a “progressive” income tax so complicated that no person or business can say with certainty to be fully compliant with the thousands of pages of indecipherable tax regulation. And not only has labor become a manipulative force in the legislative process of every town, county, and state as well as the federal government, the argument can be easily made that “Big Labor” has become one of the primary impediments to competitive capitalism in a global economy.

Additionally, entitlement legislation enacted at the state and federal level have become anchors around the neck of the people; demanding ever more taxation just to meet the existing liability. Lastly, the almost innumerable regulatory agencies created by government have usurped the rightful role of legislative bodies and now dictate by fiat the rules and regulations which touch every aspect of our lives with ever increasing invasiveness.

Today’s Progressive Movement has become the very embodiment of the power of privileged interests as seen in the myriad of organizations launched, funded, and inter-connected like a guardian-knot. Their members represent the elite of the elite as well as the thinkers and activist who have wormed their way into the inner sanctums of influence. They unabashedly move huge funds to directly influence the outcome of elections to ensure their continued and enhanced power structure. And insofar as business is concerned, progressivism has entrenched itself in the world of corporatism (so long as the corporate institutions are ones sympathetic to their goals) and the business destroying power of unionism for those that do not, It is this power that affords the movement the ability to now openly boast of their intent and accomplishment in shaping, changing, and directing the very fabric of society.

It is no small boast either, that the Progressive Movement works tirelessly to ensure that few, if any, ever have the opportunity to rise out of their class structure into a position of power that might upset their own. This soft internment is accomplished through the redistributive use of progressive and excessive taxation, inheritance taxes, union fees, price manipulation of basic commodities, and burdensome, invasive, complex regulation that are designed to maintain the class system.

So in taking a moment to track the advance of Progressivism, we see the core ideal… the ideal of “Progressing” from one state of bondage into a new freedom but which in reality, turns out to be just the next instantiation or introduction into a new form of slavery.

"The original progressives argued that changes in the economy’s organization required a more complete understanding of human freedom, equality, and opportunity that Jefferson championed so persuasively. Progressives believed that formal legal freedom alone—the negative protections against government intrusions on personal liberty—were not enough (bold and underline mine) to provide the effective freedom necessary for citizens to fulfill their human potential in an age of rising inequality, paltry wages, and labor abuses. Changed conditions demanded a changed defense of human liberty."

"Writing at the height of the New Deal reform era, John Dewey explained the progressive view of liberty as a continuation of historic movements for human liberation:

" "Liberty in the concrete signifies release from the impact of particular oppressive forces; emancipation from something once taken as a normal part of human life but now experienced as bondage. At one time, liberty signified liberation from chattel slavery; at another time, release of a class from serfdom. During the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries it meant liberation from despotic dynastic rule. A century later it meant release of industrialists from inherited legal customs that hampered the rise of new forces of production. Today it signifies liberation from material insecurity and from the coercions and repressions that prevent multitudes from the participation in the vast cultural resources that are at hand.

" It has often been said that no man gives up one form of slavery, but for that of another, the question has always been though… who will the new master be? The answer that ALWAYS comes from the Progressive Movement - regardless of party - is, Government.

Consider for just a moment, the declaration that the “negative protections against government intrusion on personal liberty – weren’t enough to provide the effective freedom for citizens to fulfill their potential.” As previously stated, Progressivism is a world-view which has its roots in the collectivist French revolution that recognized the rights of the collective, “of men” which are provide by and at the grace of government, rather than the inalienable rights, endowed by the Creator, to the individual, that is, “of man.”

Progressivism usurps the sovereign reign of deity and ensconces it firmly into the hands of ruling elite. In the last sentence of the statement above, it’s not too difficult to recognize the shackles of the slavery one must wear while suckling the teat of promised comfort. In not so many words, the Progressive Movement of today, drips the honey of a careless life into the ears of the underclass who cannot, will not, or choose not, to achieve for themselves and on their own, the luxuries of those that do. Devilish and demonic, the Progressive Movement promises the glories of Heaven, so long as they are willing to pay the price of Hell.

A central premise of Marxist theory is that “Socialism leads to Communism.” So please, take a minute to review again the last sentence in the statement above and ask yourself; in all honesty, does not the “liberation from material insecurity and from the coercions and repressions that prevent the multitudes….,” carry with it the underlying message that the freedom from the slavery of want being offered, comes with the unspoken condition of slavery to the state, who then gets to decide in what form, how often and how much, if any, of this new freedom you actually get to have, and what it will ultimately cost you to gain it?

The question you now must answer is, are you ready and willing to put on the shackles of slavery?


  1. Great article! The author is clearly a VERY intelligent and articulate gentleman.

  2. What makes our country great is the ability to form new groups and ideals without fear of reprimand. But it also leaves the door open for critical thinkers like the author to point out, or clarify, the real intentions behind these groups. I agree that Progressivism sounds like a slippery slope to Socialism, not what the Founding Fathers intended at all. Well written! Janice B.

  3. One of the most thought out drafts on the realities of this dynamic issue. Is America indeed headed into socialism through the disguise of the word "Progressive"?
