Saturday, June 19, 2010

Washington State Republicans - Support Arizona

Resolution in Support of the People, State and Governor of Arizona for Passage of SB 1070
I am proud to have authored and presented this resolution at the 2010 Washington State Republican Party convention. It was added to the "DO PASS" package and subsequently added to the platform. I encourage other municipalities and organizations to adopt this resolution and to stand with the good people of Arizona.
Jamie Walker
Whereas, the government of the United States of America has insufficiently performed and wrongfully carried out its role to guard and protect the borders of our nation, and thus all citizens within, as specified in Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution of the United States of America, and against the invasion of undocumented alien immigrants; and

Whereas, the State of Arizona, enduring an unceasing stream of illegal crossings of the national border, has passed Arizona Senate Bill SB 1070 and subsequently signed the Bill into Law by Governor Jan Brewer, on April 23, 2010; and
Whereas, SB 1070 enables and empowers Arizona Law Enforcement officers to enforce federal immigration law using operational standards more restrictive than those of federal law enforcement officials, so as to protect the civil rights of all persons - regardless of their residency status within the United States of America, legal or otherwise - and are required repeatedly and specifically to do so without racial profiling which would be illegal; and
Whereas, the Arizona law has no requirement for new documentation such as a national ID card, and which recognizes only currently existing and lawfully compliant forms of identification to establish a presumption of legal status; and

Whereas, that platform of the Republican Party affirms the integrity of the international borders of these United States and the Constitutional authority and duty of the Federal government to guard and to protect those borders, including the regulation of the numbers and of the qualifications of all persons passing into the country;

Therefore, be it resolved, that we, the delegates of the Washington State Republican Party, elected and convened as such in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Ten, stand with and in support of the people of Arizona, and applaud the State of Arizona, its Legislature, and its Governor, Jan Brewer, for their righteous action to protect and defend its citizens, our nation, and sovereignty of both the State of Arizona and the United States of America.

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