Monday, August 30, 2010

I Track Every Piece of Legislation Being Introduced Into Congress

An Open Letter to all Americans:
Michael Connelly is a Constitutional Attorney. He is the only person I know who read every page and evaluated the Obama Healthcare bill. He is an occasional contributing writer for Talk American.

It seems that every two years the politicians from both the Republican and Democrat parties declare that the upcoming election will be a defining moment for America. Yet, until now, I have never believed that. However, the elections that will take place in November 2010 will decide whether the United States of America will...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

How Dare Glenn Beck...

The following anonymous post, speaks brilliantly to what occurred today at the Restoring Honor Rally, hosted and sponsored by radio talk-show host and Fox News host, Glenn Beck.

"Did anyone making these comments watch the rally? It will be on C-SPAN again tonight and on Monday. Glenn is crazy!!! Look at what he did and said at the event:
  • How dare Glenn Beck raise $5.5 million for our military families who have lost loved ones at war.

Friday, August 27, 2010

An Exhortation to the American People

The following Letter to the Editor was posted and because it speaks the truth so clearly, we here at Talk American felt motivated to share it with you. We'd welcome your thoughts and opinions as well.

Fear can destroy justice, common sense, brotherhood and faith. How can so many decent people in the USA sit back and let the current administration in Washington, D.C., second-guess, mock and dismantle the U.S. Constitution and all the basic values and principles that keep this great nation together? It's a nation of hope and opportunity that our fathers, their fathers, and distant fathers fought, sacrificed, worked and died for. How can we ignore or downplay what our fathers and their families believed in, dreamed of, and gave all for, knowing they were protected and encouraged by a country of laws and spirit?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The 40-word solution

H.R. 4972 is a beautifully crafted 40-word solution;
Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) is gathering signatures on a discharge petition that would force a vote on his bill, HR 4972.
The bill currently offers the most practical solution to repeal Obamacare. At only 40 words, the language is simple:
"Effective as of the enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, such Act is repealed, and the provisions of law amended or repealed by such Act are restored or revived as if such Act had not been enacted."
But as expected, House Democrats have tied up the legislation in committee to avoid voting on it before the fall elections.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Take the CBS poll: Grade President Obama's Performance

Express your opinion:  How has President Obama performed in his first year in office?  Here's a chance to weigh in on a range of topics.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Texans - Inspired and Fired Up

From: I'm Taking Action.mpg

The thing I love about Texans is their willingness to speak their mind and step up to the microphone and deliver a call to action. You'll be ready to fight by the time you finish this video. Take a few minutes to watch it; then, we at Talk American challenge you to do exactly what it says.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Huge Battle Looms Over Public Pensions - Who Will (Who Should) Foot the Bill?

Huge Battle Looms Over Public Pensions - Who Will (Who Should) Foot the Bill?
"Not only are public union workers overpaid relative to the private sector, the union members have the gall to bitch about it. Prison guards and bus drivers with no more than high school educations are walking away in some instances with pensions approaching $100,000. With police and firefighters in major cities, $100,000 or close to it is norm. By the way, education is in and of itself a meaningless argument. Jobs are worth what the free market says they are worth, not what someone with a useless degree in sociology, history, or English thinks they should be worth. The problem is public unions have nothing to do with a free market."
Economic Blogger Mish Shedlock, has consistently been one of the few people that "Get It."
I have proposed that one possible solution is limiting Retirement Benefit periods to no more than 10 years. Retirement is NOT the responsibility of the Tax Payer, it is the responsibility of the individual. And it's high time America's Public Sector workers gets weaned from the Teat the Tax Paying Public. And it's high time that the Public Sector unions be dissolved.
The biggest question looming in our faces is, Is it too late?
America, the floor is open, start talking.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Are Black Voters Delusional Over Obama? - HUMAN EVENTS

Are Black Voters Delusional Over Obama? - HUMAN EVENTS

According to a new Gallup poll, President Obama’s job approval rating is at an overall 46%, down from a 66% high in the month he was inaugurated. But here’s where it gets particularly interesting: the poll dissects the President’s support by race. Many commentators get touchy about this kind of data, concerned that extracting any findings—or even simply acknowledging the issue of race in an analysis—would in and of itself be racist, even though they don’t have any of the same qualms when voters are profiled according to gender, age, or income. Let’s assume that the Gallup organization isn’t some kind of racist lynch mob, and that we can learn something from their data.
So what did they find? Click the link above to read the whole article.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

10 More Reasons Why People Should Oppose Democrats

By George Sochan

Here are some reasons why people (in this case, American citizens) should oppose the Democrats, including Obama: 

  1. The Democracts support the killing of the about-to-be-born; 
  2. The Democrats refuse to take a stand on what marriage really is; 
  3. The Democrats do not protect our borders; 
  4. The Democrats do not protect Americans from the criminal acts of illegal aliens within the USA; 
  5. The Democrats, more than the Republicans, have spent the country into a financial crisis; 
  6. The Democrats constantly violate the Constitution to augment federal power over local governance (think Tenth Amendment);
  7. The Democrats created the welfare state and continue to expand it; 
  8. The Democrats foster a culture of dependency and division as they expand imperial rule over American citizens; 
  9. The Democrats seemed to be too embarrassed to uphold the American heritage; and
  10. As in the past but in different ways, the Democrats are still racists as they divide Americans into contending groups over which the government rules as the office holders and parcel out favors. 

There are ten items in this list and these can go along with the ten items that mark Obama as a failure.

George Sochan is Currently  a professor at a small university where I teach history. He also teaches online for another university. He is a member of the Humanities and Technology Society and this year is Chairman for the conference.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Are U.S. elections impartial?

You’d have to be an idiot to think the last presidential vote was honest and legal! The Departments of Elections in every state are filled with liberal and left thinking government employees who fear that conservatives would eliminate their jobs. And rightly so; hopefully many government jobs would be eliminated under conservative management. We can no longer afford to support those who work in government, and we do have a choice to eliminate people, jobs, and entire departments.  However, an impartial election may never occur again in the USA. I pray that's not the case.