Saturday, August 7, 2010

Are U.S. elections impartial?

You’d have to be an idiot to think the last presidential vote was honest and legal! The Departments of Elections in every state are filled with liberal and left thinking government employees who fear that conservatives would eliminate their jobs. And rightly so; hopefully many government jobs would be eliminated under conservative management. We can no longer afford to support those who work in government, and we do have a choice to eliminate people, jobs, and entire departments.  However, an impartial election may never occur again in the USA. I pray that's not the case.

And now, the Dept. of Justice says they won’t prosecute the Black Panthers for intimidating voters but will prosecute whites for intimidating minorities.
Whose D.O.J. is this - Obama's or ours?

Here's what our left wing socialist community organizing president Obama believes;

In Rules for Radicals; the first chapter opening paragraph, Saul Alinsky writes,
"What follows is for those who want to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be. The Prince was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. Rules for Radicals is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away".[1]

I predict a controversial election in November with a lot of voter fraud and a number of skirmishes around the country. If an overwhelming change in Congress is not realized through the elections – I see a violent overthrow of parts of the U.S. government by the people within a few months afterward. 2011 could be the year for a large number of lawbreakers in high places to be thrown in prison. The Constitution of the United States of America is truly at stake. The daily trampling of it has to stop!  Someone with in depth constitutional knowledge and guts, along with those in authority, must step forward soon to make the first move.

A move against The White House has never occurred.  Who would have the legal authority to remove a standing president and his cabinet?

If a valid, recognized leader would step forward and articulate the case for removal, I believe millions of Americans will follow, and will be there in support!  However, will it lead to chaos, confusion, and maybe civil war? Possibly but, isn't that what the current administration is doing?

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