Monday, September 20, 2010

The Dream Act; by Harry Reid

By; Michael Connelly

Two new things are happening in the effort by the Obama Administration to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens that have invaded our country. First, as early as Tuesday, Sep. 21st, Harry Reid is going to try and attach the so called “Dream Act”

Thursday, September 9, 2010

DANGER: the 111th Congress is returning!

I saw the most poignant bumper sticker the other day; 
"If Obama is the answer, how stupid was the question?"

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day is about what?

As I was driving this morning to take my wife out for breakfast, I was thinking about this day and its meaning.  I was wondering how many of us ever think about the reason we have this day in America in early September, set aside for a holiday of this type.

So, I thought I would test my flash of historic brilliance on my unsuspecting wife.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Will Whites Trust Blacks After Obama

My son asked me, what do I think will happen after Obama leaves office? 
I took a deep breath and  said," I think it will be hell for blacks in America."  He asked, why?  I told him that after Obama," very few whites will trust blacks.  Most will feel that they gave a black man a chance and he blew it."

He said what about you and other black conservatives who opposed his policies?  We will suffer as well?  I responded.  There are so few of us (blacks) who didn't support him and over 97% that did, how will whites distinguish which ones supported him and which ones didn't?