Friday, April 27, 2007


Much has been said about this maniacal, radical, crazed and yes.....EVIL....sect of the human race. I'm including copy-cats such as the Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, and so on. All those who claim to be the new judges of the rest of us. For terrorists: I despise writing about you because you don't deserve mention here, or anywhere for that matter. But, I must, because you need to know what people think of you and your actions around the world and what your fate really is if you continue to believe in this ridiculous ideaology. Your fate is not 72 virgins in Heaven! What if you're female? What good would 72 virgins do you? Here's a big surprise - you've been lied to by Satan! The Devil himself is working overtime on planet Earth. God doesn't want you to kill people and die a horrible death, but Satan does. God stands for life and love. Satan stands for death and hate. It's that simple! I would encourage you not to be fooled by Osama Bin Laden and others. They have twisted Islamic beliefs and have influenced you to the point of death. Permanent death - for their benefit! Their goals are sinister, not noble. Don't blow yourself up for a bunch of nut cases. Find out who God really is and what he wants of you. I don't believe that all of Islam is this way. It appears that evil people have used the Islamic religion as a launching pad for their plans to dominate the world. Adolf Hitler did something very similar prior and during World War II. The fate of Hitler is the fate of Osama Bin Laden and others. However, they will do much damage to property and human life unless all freedom loving civilizations around the world fight this very old evil.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Bush on Illegals

I agree with President Bush 70% to 80% of the time but this deal yanks my chain! "Last week, President Bush stood on the border in Yuma, Arizona, and declared "mission accomplished" in securing the border against the human tsunami of illegals pouring in to our country day and night. He then stated his belief that now he will be able to sign a "comprehensive immigration reform" -- in other words, AMNESTY -- bill by the end of the year, which would include a so-called "guest-worker" program, along with a path to BUY legalized citizenship for millions of illegal aliens and the 623,292 fugitive Illegal aliens in the U.S. who have been LOST by Homeland Security. So... Congress is ready to debate and pass legislation to fool the American people and supposedly address the causes and consequences of the flood of illegal crossings swamping America's southern border". supplied by, Christian Response Mr. President, with all due respect, I cannot agree with this policy. Many naturalized citizens have given to much to become good, hard working Americans while watching these illegals break our laws and get away with it. This is absolutely not fair to any American.

Rudy Giuliani; a likeable guy, but.

You're probably a moderate Democrat! Oh well! Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, a dyed in the hide "rhino" (Republican-in-name-only), continues to show his true colors. Initially, Giuliani tried to sell himself to the party’s base as a closet conservative, despite his longstanding support for gay rights, gun control and abortion. Since that isn’t working (his poll numbers are slipping), the Mayor is trying a different approach. At a campaign stop in Iowa over the weekend, Giuliani told supporters, "Our party is going to grow, and we are going to win in 2008, if we are a party characterized by what we are for, not if we’re a party that’s known for what we are against." Speaking of abortion, the Mayor advised, "Our party has to get beyond issues like that." written by; Dr. Rick Scarborough of Vision America. I don't think so Rudy! You're a nice guy for handling the 9-11 disaster but your positions on abortion, guns, and homosexuals are not right for America.

Where is American Honor and Respect?

I grew up in Wichita, Kansas. I learned honor and respect at an early age at home, at school, and at church. I spent 12 years in Scouting with the Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and the Explorer Scouts. Honor and respect were first and foremost in the creed. It's still with me today. Today, some of our U.S. Senators and Congressmen show little honor and respect for each other and especially for those with opposing opinions including those who hold a higher office. Speaking out in front of the international media against the President is dishonorable and disrespectful. It's fuel to our enemies! Whether Liberal or Conservative, we live together in this great nation and, we are the ones who have made it great. Let's keep it that way and not allow any single individual (from within or without) tear us apart. There are many outside forces that would love to claim their part in America's fall. If good and honorable Americans continue to debate with each other and then have dinner together afterwards, our God given greatness will continue.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

NBC and the mainstream media.

I think NBC has gone to far with the Virginia Tech shooter video ( I will not use his name here because he doesn't deserve any more recognition). They've been playing it over and over. Enough is enough! Let's not give the evil s.o.b. any more air time. Let's give the airtime (if need be) to the victims, their families, and the school. Lets highlight the great things V-Tech does. Lets talk about the positive achievements of the students, not the momentary actions of a crazed maniac.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Conservative or Liberal ?

No matter who you are, you're a little bit of both. Conservative on some issues and liberal on others. Let me give you a perfect example. Myself - on guns. I live in one of the most Liberal (politically speaking) states in America, the State of Washington. I'll go into greater detail about this state some other time but, for now I want to focus on the liberal gun policy in this state. I've had a concealed weapons permit since 1973. Fairly easy to get, if your not a criminal. Even after it expired once, I could renew it fairly easily. Fingerprint cards, FBI background checks, etc. I can carry (and I do) a .45 caliber semi-automatic handgun as a sidearm. Concealed under my coat of course. I actually could carry it in the open without a permit, but someone may perceive it as a threat and I could be arrested. Gun shows. A very good variety of them in this state. A criminal buying a gun in this state? Extremely difficult - unless you're becoming a criminal after you buy the gun, which of course happens once in a great while. A very small percentage, however. So I'm a liberal when it comes to this policy. When am I a conservative? Good question! Most of the time actually. See where you compare in this list of popular issues. 1.ABORTION - I'm against it unless the Doctor say's it is life or death for the mother; and in case of rape or incest. On April 19, 2007 in a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Congress’ 2003 ban on partial-birth abortion is constitutional, meaning that the gruesome procedure may no longer be practiced in the United States of America. 2. TAXES - OOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Hot button! It pisses me off that we can't seem to stop our elected officials from spending, spending, spending, It's foolishness. Republicans and Democrats alike! All seem to be big spenders now. Let me quote the 30th President of the United States of America. "I favor the policy of economy, not because I wish to save money, but because I wish to save people. The men and women of this country who toil are the ones who bear the cost of government. Every dollar that we carelessly waste means that their life will be so much more meager. Every dollar that we prudently save means that their life will be so much more abundant". We need to fix this spending problem NOW!!!! 3. SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE - This is simple and can be simply understood. The United States constitution guarantees Freedom of Religion not freedom from religion. See my comments about the ACLU. Please verify what I'm saying by investigating this issue on your own.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Illegal Aliens - Sanctuaries

This is crazy! After all the media coverage over the past few years about our border problems, I just heard on the news that the city of Seattle is considering becoming a sanctuary for illegal aliens. Tell me I'm hearing things! We have laws about how you enter this country. If you cross the border illegally, you've broken the law. So what does it mean when your a big city Mayor or Council and you decide to harbor law breakers? I have great disdain for those who would snub the federal laws that have worked well for many years. If it's broken - help fix it! But, don't circumvent it! "There is no question in my mind that we now have anarchy regarding illegal immigration in this country. Our four most populous cities, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Houston, all have "Sanctuary" policies in place, as do scores of other places. Thus, criminal aliens can avoid detection by Homeland Security in many parts of the nation". written by; Bill O'Reilly p.s. If you're new to this country and are becoming a U.S. citizen - please learn to speak English. You'll be disabled in a foreign country if you don't learn the language. Those of us who have grown up in America want to know that you truly want to be an American. We communicate with each other through the language of American English. Please; TALK AMERICAN!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

GUNS in America

Please, take a moment and pray for the families that lost their loved ones on the Virginia Tech campus this morning. A distraught student shot and killed 32 other students in a senseless, maniacal act of aggression and vengeance. God only, knows why! In fact if the shooter had turned to God for help, this wouldn't have happened. He would have known that vengeance belongs to God. The spirit of God be with all those who perished, and the peace of God be with their grieving families. ___________________________________________________________________________ First; my position on guns. ALL guns need to be in the hands of law abiding citizens who have moral character. Those who understand the difference between right and wrong as God directs them. ___________________________________________________________________________ I recently heard that Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City has launched a national campaign to recruit Major city Mayors to his anti-gun campaign. He and George Soros are intending to do away with guns in America. Okey-dokey!!! First of all, it ain't going to happen while I'm alive. Millions of NRA members have agreed; "you'll be prying my last gun, completely emptied, from my cold dead fingers". It paints a vivid picture, doesn't it? Imagine guns in America becoming illegal thru the efforts of Bloomberg, Soros, and give or take 50 major city Mayors. Here's my opinion. Chaos and revolutionary war in America - no doubt about it. I'm not one to give in to radicalism but, the left wing anti-gun minority will suffer great losses! There are too many Americans with legal firearms that will not part with them. You wont be seeing another "gun grab" like we saw in England and Australia in recent years. By the way, crime rates in those countries (especially home burglaries) have shot up by multiple hundreds of percent. I would like to caution the Mayor of any town or city in America; "make sure your doing the peoples will - not your own". I would much rather see guns in the hands of all law abiding citizens who are trustworthy, honest, and moral. But then, I'm an idealist! If Bloomberg and group wants my help removing guns from criminals and all bad guys - I'm on board. Let's see the plan! But don't tell me you're going to try to remove all guns in America - you don't have enough money for that campaign. A boycott of Bloomberg News would be a good thing. And, as far as George Soros goes, even though he's a U.S. citizen, deporting him back to Hungary would be nice but unlikely. Considering his background and track record at bending the laws, my guess would be that he has done so already by manipulating campaign laws to suit his needs. It's just that no one has challenged him on it. Not even the justice department. That's troublesome!

Most common American disease - Lack of Common Sense

Holy moly! I just heard a Seattle radio talk show host say that he thought President Bush should have sent 150,000 troops to Afghanistan rather than Iraq. This guy was extremely serious. Where in hades is common sense these days? Have we raised a generation of Americans that seem to know everything ? They seem to know exactly what the President (and Congress) should and shouldn't do. Where did we get so many insightful people who obviously know more than our elected officials on matters of state and war? The real truth is, we have a lot of opinions in this country but little common sense at the individual level. The rest of the world believes we're in chaos here. We can't agree on anything. The network media spews our (seemingly) hatred for each other and our elected officials such as Nancy Pelosi speak out against our leadership to anyone who'll give them an ear. What happened to duty, honor, and respect for your fellow man? Our enemies look for one thing - a disentegrating America. It opens the door for radicals and their agenda for change. What would the change be? A takeover of the U.S. Government by those who want control over the masses. MMMMMmmmm...!!! Sounds familiar doesn't it?