Wednesday, April 11, 2007

GUNS in America

Please, take a moment and pray for the families that lost their loved ones on the Virginia Tech campus this morning. A distraught student shot and killed 32 other students in a senseless, maniacal act of aggression and vengeance. God only, knows why! In fact if the shooter had turned to God for help, this wouldn't have happened. He would have known that vengeance belongs to God. The spirit of God be with all those who perished, and the peace of God be with their grieving families. ___________________________________________________________________________ First; my position on guns. ALL guns need to be in the hands of law abiding citizens who have moral character. Those who understand the difference between right and wrong as God directs them. ___________________________________________________________________________ I recently heard that Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City has launched a national campaign to recruit Major city Mayors to his anti-gun campaign. He and George Soros are intending to do away with guns in America. Okey-dokey!!! First of all, it ain't going to happen while I'm alive. Millions of NRA members have agreed; "you'll be prying my last gun, completely emptied, from my cold dead fingers". It paints a vivid picture, doesn't it? Imagine guns in America becoming illegal thru the efforts of Bloomberg, Soros, and give or take 50 major city Mayors. Here's my opinion. Chaos and revolutionary war in America - no doubt about it. I'm not one to give in to radicalism but, the left wing anti-gun minority will suffer great losses! There are too many Americans with legal firearms that will not part with them. You wont be seeing another "gun grab" like we saw in England and Australia in recent years. By the way, crime rates in those countries (especially home burglaries) have shot up by multiple hundreds of percent. I would like to caution the Mayor of any town or city in America; "make sure your doing the peoples will - not your own". I would much rather see guns in the hands of all law abiding citizens who are trustworthy, honest, and moral. But then, I'm an idealist! If Bloomberg and group wants my help removing guns from criminals and all bad guys - I'm on board. Let's see the plan! But don't tell me you're going to try to remove all guns in America - you don't have enough money for that campaign. A boycott of Bloomberg News would be a good thing. And, as far as George Soros goes, even though he's a U.S. citizen, deporting him back to Hungary would be nice but unlikely. Considering his background and track record at bending the laws, my guess would be that he has done so already by manipulating campaign laws to suit his needs. It's just that no one has challenged him on it. Not even the justice department. That's troublesome!


  1. Why can a resident alien (the Virginia Tech shooter) buy a gun? He had emotional problems with some counseling and the police had talked with him before. I think his government file (if there is one)should have been flagged.

  2. Bill; (duplicated from above) Regarding guns. I'll make a statement for clarification. "The state of Washington has liberal gun policies." What does that mean to me? It means that I can fairly easily get a concealed carry permit and also purchase a gun. That doesn't mean that I can walk into a gun store and walk out with a gun. There are background checks that every gun store owner has to implement. I was recently delayed on a gun purchase because the FBI discovered that my name was similar to someone back east who had been involved in criminal activity. It took six months and lots of paperwork to clear my name.
