Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Most common American disease - Lack of Common Sense

Holy moly! I just heard a Seattle radio talk show host say that he thought President Bush should have sent 150,000 troops to Afghanistan rather than Iraq. This guy was extremely serious. Where in hades is common sense these days? Have we raised a generation of Americans that seem to know everything ? They seem to know exactly what the President (and Congress) should and shouldn't do. Where did we get so many insightful people who obviously know more than our elected officials on matters of state and war? The real truth is, we have a lot of opinions in this country but little common sense at the individual level. The rest of the world believes we're in chaos here. We can't agree on anything. The network media spews our (seemingly) hatred for each other and our elected officials such as Nancy Pelosi speak out against our leadership to anyone who'll give them an ear. What happened to duty, honor, and respect for your fellow man? Our enemies look for one thing - a disentegrating America. It opens the door for radicals and their agenda for change. What would the change be? A takeover of the U.S. Government by those who want control over the masses. MMMMMmmmm...!!! Sounds familiar doesn't it?

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