Saturday, November 18, 2006

The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)

You may think you know who they are. However, you might want to study up on their history, how they started, and get to know what their agenda is today. You'll be shocked. This is the most deceptive organization in America. Your tax dollars are paying for their legal expenses to sue you (as an American citizen), to remove your civil and religious liberties. Their goal? An Atheistic America controlled by judges, managed by attorneys, dictated by a legal system designed by - you guessed it - judicial activists. Want to do something about it? Stop electing attorney's to public office. Any, and all of them for now! Elect business leaders and hard working folks who are for smaller government. People who believe in the original meaning of the constitution. Our government was not formed to provide freedom from religion, it was formed to provide freedom of religion. The ACLU is in the process of sueing small towns and communities around the country to have all vestiges and displays of the Christian cross and the ten commandments removed from the public view. This is wrong and you have to stop it.

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