Thursday, April 19, 2007

NBC and the mainstream media.

I think NBC has gone to far with the Virginia Tech shooter video ( I will not use his name here because he doesn't deserve any more recognition). They've been playing it over and over. Enough is enough! Let's not give the evil s.o.b. any more air time. Let's give the airtime (if need be) to the victims, their families, and the school. Lets highlight the great things V-Tech does. Lets talk about the positive achievements of the students, not the momentary actions of a crazed maniac.

1 comment:

  1. Chic, I think one of the greatest advances we have been able to offer the world through the American experience has been our absolute freedom of the press. It is really the only thing that keeps things halfway in balance. We need to always uphold the ability of holding all of us, ESPECIALLY those in power, accountable. After all, we should all try to conduct our lives in such a way that if our actions were published by the press, we would be happy. Of course the media is not always accurate and we should try to hold them accountable too. But again the best hope for that is an open and unfettered press.

    As much as I hated giving the VT killer the media exposure he wanted, I even had to agree with what NBC did in publishing it. If it's news, they should publish it. It is not fair to ask them to be in the censorship business. That would require being judgemental and I don't trust the media or anybody else to be able to do that effectively.

    April 21, 2007 11:56:00 AM PDT
